If you plan on driving your vehicle frequently, you may benefit from selecting add-on insurance coverage. Add-ons are specialized types of insurance that provide protection for unique situations that a standard policy does not cover.
Roadside Assistance
Driving frequently increases the risk of a tire blowout, empty gas tank, or mechanical failure. With roadside assistance coverage, you won’t need to be concerned about being broken down alongside a road. Roadside assistance coverage will allow you to seek the services you need during an emergency.
Towing Equipment Coverage
Do you plan to use your vehicle to tow a trailer? If so, you may want to select an add-on that provides coverage for towing equipment. This type of coverage can also be useful if you plan to have your vehicle towed behind an RV or another vehicle.
Towing equipment coverage covers all the towing essentials necessary to transport a vehicle or equipment. This add-on can protect against theft, vandalism, accidental damage, and weather-related losses.
Personal Property Protection
If you drive your vehicle on vacations or long road trips, you may benefit from adding personal property protection to your automotive insurance policy.
This type of coverage will protect your luggage, tools, stereo, navigational aids, and any other valuable items that are at risk of being stolen or damaged. You can choose how much add-on protection your automotive insurance policy includes.
A Scheduled Meeting With An Insurance Agent
Find out more about add-on coverage. One of our Roark Insurance Agency representatives will help you. As soon as possible, set up a time to consult with an agent serving Flatwoods, KY.