Does Home Insurance Include Flood Protection?

For some people, thoughts of flooding and flood insurance never cross their minds because they don’t live in an area that typically floods. However, living in an area like Flatwoods, KY can make it more of a priority.

A common misconception among people nationwide, regardless of flood risk, is the belief that their home insurance policy provides coverage in case of flood damage. Unfortunately, they often find out this is not the case too late.

Am I Covered for Flood Damage?

Most standard home insurance policies do not cover flood damage. Water damage is generally not covered except in sudden, unexpected events such as bursting water heaters. The specifics, however, vary by policy.

If you examine your home policy, you’ll typically find that flood damage is expressly excluded, but this depends on your specific contract. Some policies list covered perils, while others list exclusions, meaning anything not explicitly excluded is covered. This can get confusing, but our Roark Insurance Agency team can help clarify whether your current policy covers flood damage.

Should I Add Flood Coverage?

While Kentucky law doesn’t require flood insurance, the state has experienced too many floods to ignore. A flood can be devastating to you and your loved ones. If it damages or destroys your home, the devastation increases as you try to pick up the pieces and recover. Flood insurance can help you get back on your feet more quickly.

At Roark Insurance Agency, we want to ensure that all residents and families in Flatwoods, KY, have the flood coverage they need. Call or stop by today for the protection and peace of mind you deserve.